Local 134 Roofers

Contact Information: 

Union Address:
4652 Lewis Ave
Toledo, OH 43612
Phone: (419) 478-3785

Training Center Address:
4535 Hill Avenue
Toledo, Ohio 43615
Phone: (419) 531-5911

Business Agent:  Mike Kujawa at 419-478-3785

Website: https://www.rooferslocal134.com/

What We Do

Local 134 has been fighting for working class families for more than 80 years. Local 134 positively impacts the lives of our membership by bettering working conditions, wages and benefits through collective bargaining.

Who We Are

We are trained professional roofers. Through constant education, our members are taught the safety and construction practices needed to deliver the very best roofing systems.

Who We Represent

Local 134 represents over 160 Union Roofers Waterproofers & Allied workers of Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan.